Jena Alliance for Families

The Jena Alliance for Families aims to put families at the centre of societal, economic and political attention. Together with its alliance partners, the Alliance works continuously on making lasting improvements to the living conditions of families in Jena and the compatibility of career and family.
Ever more partners from business, science, politics, administration, social organisations and families are getting involved in the Jena Alliance for Families at the local level. They are committed to creating a more family-friendly environment in everyday life – whether through childcare that meets people’s needs, family-friendly workplaces or affordable housing and a pleasant living environment, as well as good social and cultural opportunities.
Beutenberg-Campus Jena e.V. has been an official partner of the Alliance since 2007. A particular concern of the Alliance is ‘compatibility of family and career’.
Program "Jenaer Salon 2017/2018"