... where LIFE SCIENCE

Gene Technology, Biosafety and Biosecurity 2025

March 12 – 13, 2025

Staatlich anerkannter Projektleiterkurs zum Erwerb der Sachkunde als Projektleiter oder als Beauftragter für die Biologische Sicherheit nach § 28 der Gentechniksicherheitsverordnung  auf Englisch

State-approved Course § 28 GenTSV for Project Leaders and Biosafety Officers in English

§ 28 GenTSV 

This course on Safety Aspects in Gene Technology enables scientists to get the official qualification as GenTSV-
Project Leader and Biological Safety Officer in Germany. It is advantageous if the participants have a degree in Medicine, Molecular Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, or Biotechnology.

The course, licensed by the authorities, is scheduled on March 12 – 13, 2025, on Beutenberg Campus in Jena. The certificate is officially recognized. The course is organized in cooperation with the Biosafety Officer of the Hannover Medical School.

The course will be held in English. The course schedule and the contents of the course are mandatory and prescribed by the regulations of § 28 GenTSV.

Venue: Technologie- und Innovationspark Jena, Hans-Knöll-Str. 6, 07745 Jena (Conference Room I, 3rd floor)

Costs: 520,00 € / person

The number of participants is limited to a maximum of 25.

As an orientation what you may expect, please have a look here:

Information and Program Gene Technology 

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