Many Beutenberg Institutes offer an exciting programme each year on the national Girls’ Day. On Beutenberg Campus, this day has been expanded with the local ‘Forsche Schüler’ – or ‘School Scientists’ – initiative.
All girls – and since 2010 also boys – from year 8 onwards are invited to look behind the scenes of research and try their hand at science.
School students can choose from a multitude of offers in the physical and life sciences. The institutes offer taster workshops, allowing schoolchildren to do experiments and discover science for themselves.
The next "Forsche Schüler Tag" will take place on Thursday, April 27, 2023!
The day begins at 09:00 am with the various programmes at the participating institutes, unless indicated otherwise.
Interested school students from Year 8 to Abitur should register directly with the institute of their choice through the Internet, by telephone, by post or by e-mail, up to two days before the start of the event. A total of around 75 places are available.
For further details please visit our German website...
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