If other visual cues are missing, ants build higher nest hills to facilitate homing of foraging nest mates.
Hugo Geiger Award to Robert Klas
Large-scale facilities shrink to the size of a laboratory desk, and with the help of EUV light, the needle in the haystack or the Euro on the soccer field can finally be found.
Perseverance and…
Symbiotische Pilze verwandeln Terpene aus dem Fichtenharz in Lockstoffe für den Borkenkäfer
Die Pilzpartner setzen beim Abbau von Fichtenrinde flüchtige Verbindungen frei, die der Schädling durch spezialisierte Geruchssinneszellen wahrnimmt ...
„In die Forschung zu lebensbedrohlichen Pilzinfektionen wird zu wenig Geld investiert“
Die WHO hat Ende 2022 zum ersten Mal eine Liste der wichtigsten Pilzpathogene veröffentlicht und damit die hohe Bedeutung der Forschung und Entwicklung zum Thema Pilzinfektionen hervorgehoben. Im…
The dark cost of being toxic - Sequestration of plant toxins by monarch butterflies leads to reduced warning signal conspicuousness
An international research team including scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena has discovered that the striking orange and black wings of monarch butterflies not only…
Welcome to the nucleus the new canteen of the Leibniz-HKI
The nucleus - the new canteen of the Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology - Hans Knöll Institute - is located in the HKI Biotech Center. The nucleus is open to…
Sex or food? Decision-making in single-cell organisms
Diatoms show complex behavior: They can select between the search for sex partners or nutrient sources.
Desert ants have an amazing odor memory
The insects can learn many food odors and remember them all their lives
Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology used behavioral experiments to show that desert ants are able to…
Europe-wide research flights focus on greenhouse gas methane
The CoMET research mission measures the two most important greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) in the atmosphere. The specially equipped aircraft will examine the airspace from…
Fraunhofer IOF_ILA 2018: Direct bonding of diffraction gratings and prisms for earth observation
Experts from the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF in Jena are able for the first time to connect compact prism grid systems by direct bonding permanently and…
FLI_Additional 5 Million Euro Funding for Aging Research in Jena
The Leibniz Institute on Aging (FLI) in Jena, Germany, was approved 5 million EUR additional funding by the German Joint Science Conference (Gemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz, GWK), which thus…
MPI-CE_Scientists identify specialized brain areas for feeding and egg-laying in hawkmoths
The search for food is linked to other areas in the olfactory center of female tobacco hawkmoths (Manduca sexta) than the search for plants to best lay eggs, researchers from the Max Planck Institute…
FLI_Cancer or degenerative deseases? One out of the two is likely to be our cause of death when we get older
Above the age of 50, the most likely causes of death are cancer and degenerative diseases such as heart failure, dementia or diabetes. Since life expectancy has been considerably growing over the last…