For this project, we are looking for:
Instructors who can contribute their expertise in a specific field to the professional training programme, and who would enjoy passing on their knowledge and expertise, in such a way that participants can use in their jobs what they have learned on the courses.
There are currently five groups of topics, which can be expanded:
A – Work in genetics
B – Analytical chemistry
C – Work with computers and databases
D – Soft skills
E – Language workshops
Some of these topics are very broad in their application. In these cases, the instructor’s course description will need to specify or limit the scope of a particular module. If you are interested in the work described, you are welcome to contact Caroline Utermann-Kessler (weiterbilden(at)
Some important details to mention in a course description:
- What the areas of application are for each specific method or technique
- Division of the course content into individual themes
- Is one three-hour morning session enough or does the course have to be held over two sessions?
- Maximum number of participants
- What kind of venue is needed (e.g. seminar room, possibility of visiting a lab for practical work)?
- Dates: when would the instructor be available to start the course?
We would welcome suggestions for further topics which could be of interest to technical staff. We are also happy to hear any other ideas relevant to implementing this project, which could usefully be added to a check list that will be drawn up.